Friday, June 28, 2013

The first colony took the hint

I checked the swarm side of the hive and they have started building comb on the bar between the two Langstroth frames that I cut down.  Way to go!  Now we'll have to see which side builds it out faster.  Truthfully, the package side has the advantage since there are more bees on that side and they are not raising brood yet, so they can focus all their attention on building comb.

The package side has been going through 16 oz. of sugar syrup in a day, which is not surprising since they are trying to build out all that comb.  I'll just have to check it every day because my feeder only holds 16 oz.  The feeder is sitting inside the hive, so it can't be too big.  A quart mason jar would probably work, too.  That's something I will have to check on later.

These bees got curious when I lifted the top bar and got left outside when I put it back. Hopefully they remember where the front door is.

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